Why? Oh WHY?
Two of the currently airing anime I'm watching are starting to annoy me, but did not drop for what I'm hoping would happen, or historical reasons. These two are これはゾンビですか? (Is this a Zombie?) and Season 2 of とある魔術の禁書目録 (A Specific Forbidden Index of Magic). I'm starting to get annoyed because of things in it that I tried to tolerate, but seemed to made a turn for the worse.
I would like to talk about お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!! (I don't like you at all big brother), but I dropped that at the first episode and never even took a glance of its latter episodes. This is about ones that I've manage to watch past the initial episode.
What's with the identical shirts? |
Index2, there's a spin-off, Railgun and it's upcoming 2nd season, has, ironically, more enjoyable to watch than the main series, but I'm not talking about that. It surrounds around a common thing: nuns and priests, with the big give away being Index tagging along Touma a lot with her trademark robes and blue-ish hair.
"Everything is solved with Touma's right hand". That simple? |
My next complain is how Touma could do nothing more than block magic spells with his right hand without going into research of how it works, and how time is filled with long, boring/unnecessary, conversation or battles. And maybe some level of stupidity included. Add that to the second and the current story arc (Crazy nuns fighting; magic ship in Italy), and it's a recipe to make me ask why was I even watching it. Well, actually, I find the episodes that don't have the religious conflict more enjoyable.
That current arc looked as though they went to a (stereotyped ancient) city in Italy Misaka and Kuroko, main characters of the Railgun spin-off, hardly even make an appearance as compared to Index1. Well, I've watched episode 16 at this point, which is the episode where the current arc ends and a (brief preview) of what happens next.
They sure know how to make a day seem like months. The summer vacation seemed like forever as it lasted from the start of around the first episode of season 1 to around the middle of season 2. Except for the manga and a flashback in Railgun about a bank robbery, you don't see the characters in their winter uniforms at all. Looking at the episode 17 preview, they might finally do. Well, it seems like it: everyone except for the Misaka clones are wearing the winter clothing.
This anime has two extremes of both wanting to watch or drop this and I'm stuck as to what to do.
The trailers of
KoreZom during the Winter preview did caught my attention of wanting to watch it, but everything went downhill by the end of the first episode. I didn't know anything about this anime, so I continued watching, hoping that things would improve, but episode 2 made me think otherwise.
Well, depending on your tastes, you might say that it has gotten better, but, to me, it's the opposite. It's already episode 4 and I still don't remember the character's names, not even vaguely. Well... maybe I'm the kind of person who would prefer the more serious themes.
Character wise, they are kind of... strange. In a way that it's not as bad as that anime with a crazily long name, but not enough for me to like either.
Let's say the character in the right image. She's Nepheoloasasi from the world of Nulaedjccoi, and speaks dotdeas. (Or something like that) Too much jargon. She mostly hangs around the house most of the time, not doing anything other than taking care of the household chores. What's up with that?
As with most anime, the parents of the main character of anime of this genre are
always absent from home for some long duration, typically long enough to not be needed to be introduced at all in the anime.
(o_O) |
I don't really mind the main character (still don't remember the name) becoming a magical girl, but only if they completely look and behave like a girl. Not some sick pervert that crossdresses and what not. I can't stand looking at it. It's giving me nightmares just looking at it.
At this point (up to episode 4), you could see that there is a character that's yet to be introduced appearing in the opening animation. Given how much disappointment I have for this anime for the boredom and disappointment I had to go through, I won't be watching anymore just to find out. It's like hoping to be familiar with someone you randomly met on the train, but with no contact info and the routes you take to get home are completely different with no pattern. It's a whole lot of a storyline that goes around in circles and/or making very little progress. Anything with fanservice is a huge negative point for me.
Well, maybe my standards are high from having watched
Death Note, Depression of Suzumiya Haruhi, K-On, Eden of the East, Code Geass, and so on.
Just from this cap alone, I could already see the things that I don't like. |
What's that rotating blue/grey cylinder thing with a stand beneath it seen in the house while the characters are having a meal? Nobody mentioned about it, but it's the most obvious unusual household appliance seen in the anime. That's an electric fan.
No really. It appears to be "invented" as recently as 2009, though it does look out of place of where it's shown.